Music has always been a love of mine. I always said if I could sing I would have taken on that singer/songwriter title. But instead, I made it a point to find artists to work with that have a really unique esthetic and background. It’s always a good time and I do what I can to make these sessions feel like two friends hanging out. Check out some of my favorite shots of some talented artists!
STAR B 816
From my very own hometown of Kansas City, this artist is stopping at nothing to achieve his music dreams! Check out some shots taken from around Kansas City.
What a beautiful woman and beautiful voice. I had the pleasure of shoot for her album cover. Check out some of the shots that didn’t make it but are just as phenomenal!
Another local artist has taken his music to new heights. Literally! Venturing off to California where he has crossed a new level of dedication. Take a look at some shots from our session.
This girl right hear has spunk. I love her style and everything she stands for. Check out a couple shots from our album cover session.